Aleyda Academy
Unknotify wellness box

Press Release


Aleyda unveils world’s first self-massage toolkit

Unknotify© empowers desk workers to alleviate musculoskeletal pain

[Singapore]: Aleyda today announced the release of Unknotify, the world’s first* self-massage toolkit of its kind. It offers a new way for desk workers who frequently suffer from musculoskeletal pain to perform self-massage and get much-needed relief – anytime, anywhere.

May Lee, 49, who is diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, sought relief in Unknotify. More than two decades of desk-bound work in the travel-technology sector made her subject to a near-daily occurrence of neck, shoulder, back and arm pain. Blaming it on a highly sedentary lifestyle, May turned to a novel solution: She got a box of Unknotify and began self-massaging. Over time, she learnt to ease her own pains using massage tools, pain diagrams and video tutorials provided in the toolkit.

“I have gained understanding of how muscle knots in one place could cause pain elsewhere. In my case, my neck condition is linked to my arm numbness. I’d never quite made that connection,” says May.

May’s pain situation is not rare. In fact, four in five desk workers have developed musculoskeletal pains since the pandemic, according to a study by Versus Arthritis. When not addressed, these pains can develop into more serious work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). This and other findings have been documented by Aleyda in a white paper to create awareness on the global rise and impact of WMSDs.

Resignation is also not outside the affected workers’ considerations. IT project manager Zed Marican (not his real name), now in his 40s, used to suffer persistent headaches from his desk-bound job.

“My pains ultimately became the reason for me leaving my job,” he laments. Only after an arduous journey that involved painkillers, frequent medical leave and doctor visits did he discover the healing benefits of self-massage.

In view of the rising trend of WMSDs, Aleyda, through its training arm Aleyda Academy, rose to provide a solution. It began digitising its self-massage courses and bundled them with massage tools so the user has a pain-intervention toolkit all in one product.

“Unknotify is grounded on research findings that tight muscles knots elicit pain in a predictable manner. Studies have shown that we can alleviate most musculoskeletal pains by releasing the knots responsible for them,” says Salinah Aliman, master trainer at Aleyda Academy. “Our goal is to empower the layman with self-massage skills by simplifying the technical knowhow of massage therapy.”

Unknotify includes:

• Massage tool, massage ball and aromatherapy roll-on

• Access to an online library of video tutorials

• Spa tea and candle to enhance relaxation

Available immediately at a price of $89. Click for product information.

About Aleyda:

Established in 2010, Aleyda exists to lift the burden of physical pain through massage therapy and wellness education. Its training arm, Aleyda Academy, was born during the rise of the remote-working era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then the academy has empowered thousands of employees to manage their musculoskeletal pains through massage therapy, ergonomics and functional exercise. Aleyda’s other business, Aleyda Mobile Spa, has been providing massage therapy since 2010 in the convenience of anywhere.

Media Contact:

Team Aleyda

Aleyda Pte Ltd

Tel: 66047567

*Unknotify is the world’s first self-massage toolkit that includes tools, technical explanations and video tutorials for the desk worker.

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Media Assets

Sneak preview, images and logo of Unknotify. These are free for editorial broadcast, print and online use. It is restricted for use for

Interview with Unknotify User: May Lee

Desk-bound manager finds pain relief in Unknotify. May Lee, 49, is a mother and manager in the travel-technology sector. More than two decades
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