Aleyda Academy

Office Ergonomics Courses

Poor ergonomics and prolonged sitting increase mortality rates similar to that of obesity and smoking. We’ll help equip your teams with practical solutions to reduce these risks to enhance your well-being and productivity.

In today’s fast-paced work environments, employees spend a significant amount of time sitting at desks and working on computers. Prolonged sitting and repetitive tasks can lead to various musculoskeletal issues such as back pain, neck strain, and wrist injuries. To mitigate these risks and promote overall well-being and productivity, many organisations are investing in office ergonomic courses. 

Our ergonomics talks and workshops consider workspace design, user behaviour and task design to promote good work posture and habits. Although originally meant for computer users, the content can be adapted to any form of desk work.

Ergonomics Workshops

Office Ergonomics In Action

Duration: 75 minutes

Who Should Attend: Computer users who work in the office or other remote locations. 

Capacity: 30 pax

This interactive workshop is designed to empower participants with the knowledge and practical skills to create ergonomic workspaces in both traditional office and remote settings. It is highly interactive, with a mix of presentations, demonstrations, hands-on activities and group discussions.

  • Demonstrate how to ergonomically set up a computer desk in the office and other remote settings.
  • Identify ergonomic issues in real-world office setups and recommend improvements.
  • Demonstrate how to sit properly in an office chair.
  • Develop practical skills on the proper use of the mouse and keyboard to prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Office Ergonomics in Bite Sizes

Duration: 5 minutes per session (minimum 3 hours engagement)

Who Should Attend: Computer users who work in the office or other remote locations. 

Capacity: 100-200 pax in 3 hours

This series of mini-workshops is designed to enhance your office ergonomics in just 5 minutes! Catering to small groups of 5 per session, these hands-on activities ensure personalised attention and fast-paced learning. Well suited for wellness carnivals, workplace health and safety fairs and ergonomics campaigns.

Each station focuses on a single objective and can be customised according to organisational needs. Some examples:

  • Desk Setup: How to ergonomically set up a computer desk in the traditional office setting.
  • Mouse and Keyboard Techniques: How to use the mouse and keyboard properly to prevent repetitive strain injuries.
  • Desk Organisation: How to organise the desk space in a way that promotes good ergonomics and efficiency.
  • Proper Sitting Techniques: How to set up your chair and maintain good sitting posture.

Ergonomics Talks

Office Ergonomics for Injury Prevention

Duration: 60 minutes

Who Should Attend: Computer users who work in the office or other remote locations. 

Capacity: 100 pax

This talk highlights the connection between poor ergonomics and workplace-related musculoskeletal disorders, offering actionable strategies to mitigate their effects. We delve into the core principles of ergonomics best practices and provide practical applications for both office and home environments.

  • Understand the risk factors of office work that affect posture and musculoskeletal health. 
  • Learn ergonomic principles for setting up a computer desk in the office and remote settings.
  • Acquire tips on selecting office furniture, keyboard and mouse based on user characteristics and other ergonomic factors.
  • Learn the proper use of the keyboard and mouse to prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Sitting: The Silent Killer

Duration: 60 minutes

Who Should Attend: Computer users and other sedentary workers who sit a lot at work. 

Capacity: 100 pax

Despite knowing the risks, many of us sit for long periods daily. This talk serves as a wake-up call, shedding light on the severity of the sitting disease. Participants will learn to recognize its signs, assess their risk, and implement actionable strategies to counteract its effects, including the importance of postural variation throughout the workday.

  • Develop awareness on the severity of the sitting disease by understanding its physiological effects.
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of the sitting disease and make a risk self-assessment.
  • Discover actionable strategies during work to counteract the negative effects of sitting.
  • Understand the significance of postural variation and acquire tips to incorporate postural change throughout the workday.


Benefits of Office Ergonomic Courses

Prevention of
Work-Related Injuries

By teaching employees about proper posture, workstation setup, and ergonomic equipment usage, these courses empower individuals to take proactive measures to reduce the strain on their bodies.

Improved Productivity

By optimising their workstations and adopting ergonomic principles as taught in these office ergonomic courses, employees can work more efficiently without the distractions caused by discomfort or fatigue.

Promote Overall Health and Well-Being

Encouraging regular movement breaks, stretching exercises, and promoting proper ergonomics not only reduces physical strain but also enhances mental alertness and reduces stress levels. This directly leads to higher morale and lower turnover rates within the organisation.

Why Choose Aleyda Academy for Office Ergonomic Courses

Discover why Aleyda Academy stands out as the premier choice for office ergonomic courses, ensuring a healthier and more productive work environment for your team.

master trainer teaching ergonomics






Expert-Led Courses

Aleyda Academy’s office ergonomic courses are developed and led by industry experts with extensive experience in ergonomics and workplace wellness. 


Interactive Learning Experience

Unlike traditional courses, Aleyda Academy prioritises interactive learning methods such as workshops, simulations, and real-world case studies that foster active engagement, deepen understanding, and enable participants to apply ergonomic principles effectively in their daily work routines.


Customised Solutions

Our office ergonomic courses offer customisable solutions and recommendations tailored to different industries, job roles, and workstation setups. This ensures that participants receive practical guidance relevant to their specific work environments. 


Ongoing Support and Resources

Aleyda Academy provides ongoing resources, tools, and support materials to reinforce learning outcomes and encourage continued ergonomic best practices among participants. This commitment to long-term support helps organisations sustain a culture of wellness and productivity over time.




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